Master Builders
Adults come to study God’s Word with us each week at
10:00 am. We always enjoy a time of fellowship and singing
as we start the class and then we enjoy a Bible study together.
Teacher: Pastor Steve Clayton

Family Life
Building a strong marriage doesn’t happen by accident or default. Even as a well-built house must first have carefully designed blueprints, a strong foundation, and a competent builder. Even so, a strong marriage can only be the product of the blueprint of the Bible, the foundation of Jesus Christ, and the daily guiding hand of God’s Holy Spirit. The classes and activities of the couples department will help to build and strengthen your marriage,
and will teach the proven Bible principles for making your marriage a life-long and joyful relationship.
Teachers: Joe Quick & Will Fowler

Married Life
The purpose of this class is to give biblical helps and solutions for young married couples in the areas of relationships and child training. We meet at 10 AM on Sunday Mornings and enjoy coffee, snacks, and a time of prayer and fellowship together.
Teacher: Steve Henry